Sunday, August 27, 2006

Free Energy : Water Fuel Cell

Imagine running your car on water! That's correct, I said water. Stanley Meyer did exactly that ! He modified his dune buggy to run on water alone using the hydrogen to run his dune buggy. Have you ever thought about water as a fuel source? The atomic make up of water makes the molecule perfect for a fuel source. The water molecule is composed of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. When the water molecule is separated into its component atoms (H and O) and oxidized as fuel, the resulting energy is two and one half times more powerful than gasoline. The byproduct of the combustion is water vapor. Making water as a fuel, powerful and pollution free! The problem has always been how to separate water economically. Traditional methods of separating the bond of the water molecule have resulted in failure. To power a car by these methods would not move the car very far. The car’s electrical system could not recharge from the process quickly enough. The result would be a quickly drained battery. For many years Stanley Meyer researched this problem and found a way around it! Join in the creative spirit and challenge Running your car on water

running your car on water
Water Fuel Cell

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Days Of Revelation : BLOG 11:13

Click Here For Full Menu & Links
Im not a big fan of UK band Depeche Mode, however, It is an impressive video; Not only does justice to some of the recent events but also tells us about the great things to come for us and the governments of earth when you allow An Elite to Rule Us.

It might help us understand where the laws of the land have gone and the new state of fascism looming in the dark side of actual events. Not surprisingly, Depeche Mode unofficial video above, filmed by an amateur director, but with pro results shows what exactly Depeche Mode augured at the start of Summer "You can't change the world But you can change the facts And when you change the facts You change points of view If you change points of view You may change a vote And when you change a vote You may change the world..."

A Big Revelation? Perhaps John or George or Tony... Clearly we are entering the Age Of Revelation, or Better said revealing...

Will New Things be Revealed to Us?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Power Of The Rich : Modern Slavery

13 Groups wield power through government, foundations, education, and the mass media. It has aided such regimes as Russia and China, not because it is pro-Communist, but because a visible enemy and the threat of war have been useful in persuading the masses to embrace the group's ultimate goal: a world government which they expect to control from behind the scenes. They are now working to replace fear of nuclear war with fear of global pollution as the motivation for world government. It is clear that the plan revealed in this program continues to unfold.

Monopoly is not an outgrowth of capitalism. Monopolists lobby for laws that give them advantages in the market place. Monopoloy is not based on free-enterprise competition, but the escape from it. It is not the product of capitalism but the bedfellow of socialism.

See Video Here

Further Links
Death And Taxes
Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil
Corporation's or "Thy Will" Be Done

History : Science or Fiction?

De Da Vinci Code Cracked
Since the Earth experienced 4 different seasons, all the same and equal (in time) each year, the round Sun calendar was divided into 4 equal parts. This is also why we have, in the Bible, only 4 Gospels. Of this point, there can be no doubt. The 4 Gospels represent the four 4 seasons which collectively tell the entire story of the life of God's 'Sun'. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. This is why the famous painting of "The Last Supper" pictures the 12 followers of the Sun in four groups (of three) ... the seasons! Read Further

The Egyptians knew that the Sun was at its highest point in the sky (at high noon). At that point, one offered prayers to the "Most High" God! To the ancients, the sky was the abode, or heavenly temple, of the "Most High". Therefore, God's 'Sun' was doing His heavenly Father's work of enlightening all in the temple at 12 ...not 12 years old, but 12 noon!
Right : God's Sun/Son trying to bring enlightenment to the dark minds
of the religious leaders.

Sons Of Gods video
Read Further
History Of Atlantis

Saturday, August 12, 2006


To debunk the indoeuropean mythconception of languages....


The Basque word zahar means old, and the name Sahara could therefore be interpreted as "the old country", but the Basque ‘z’ and the ‘s’, which is pronounced as ‘sh’, are quite different letters so

zahar may not be the origin of the name Sahara. However, there appears to be another meaning embedded in "Sahara". It is analyzed as:

esa - aha - ara
esan - ahalguzti - aratz
to say/speak - Almighty - pure/refined
"The speech of the Almighty is refined"

Could this interpretation of the name mean that the original language had been refined or developed by early linguists? The logical and highly organized structure of the Basque language surely seems to support this possibility. The name used by the Basques for their own language is "Euskera", analyzed as:

eu - us. - .ke - era
eu - usa - ake - era
euki - usaiako - akela - erabildura
to retain/preserve - usual/traditional - goddess - usage/speech
"We preserve the traditional speech of the Goddess".
petroglyphs in the Hoggar Area Of sahara (see pic2)
In order to bury the true meaning of the word, the quite obvious '.ke' for 'ake' was changed by the church to '.ka' so that now we have both Euskera and Euskara in the dictionary. De Basaldua (1925) called his native language "Eskera" and explained the meaning as esk (hand) and the ending era as form, wave, grace, beautiful, good, and he pulled these words together to mean "way to move the hand; wave with grace" which, he said, was also called 'ademan' in Spanish, meaning gesture (see p. 55). I find this meaning rather difficult to accept because it appears to have little bearing on the language. Instead we are apparently dealing here with words belonging to the first civilization on earth. This civilization had evolved so greatly that the substratum language was no longer adequate to describe their achievements in astronomy, mathematics, acoustics, navigation, religion etc. that a system had to be found to expand the language. The VCV vowel-interlocking structure was the result of their search for a practical expressive language.

eba - aska
ebatzi - askatasun
to decide - freedom
"We decided to be free".

Words with UR
petroglyphs in the Hoggar Area Of sahara (see pic3 below)

uraldi flood alditxar = misfortune
urandi ocean andi = enormous
uraz garbitu to wash azal = skin, garbitu = to wash
urazpil washbasin azpil = large dish
urbide canal -bide = route
uregazti waterfowl gazti = fowl
ureztaketa irrigation eztasun = scarcity, -keta = quantity
urgarri water soluble -garri = suffix which denotes cause
urgeldi stagnant water geldi = quiet, stagnant
urgora high tide gora = high
urjauzi waterfall jauzi = to leap, jump
urlamia waternymph lamia = gnome, troll
urlandare waterplant landare = plant
urlurrin steam lurrin egin = to vaporize
urmargo water color margo = color
urodi irrigation canal odi = pipe
urtatu to soak -eztatu = to cover with
urtzulo waterhole txulo = little hole
urzozo water ouzel zozo = blackbird
euri rain e = exclamation to draw attention



.pu - un. - .ja - ab.
ipu - uni - ija - abe
ipuinezko - unibertsal - iaio - abegion
legendary - universal - cheerful - hospitality
"Our cheerful hospitality is legendary and universal".

Or: Kashmir:

.ka - ash. - .mi - ir.
ika - axo - omi - ira
ikasbide - axoladun - omia santu - irakitu
teachings - caring - holy - fired with passion
"Our teachings are caring, holy and fired with passion".

Or Taxila, the oldest university:

.ta - ak. - .si - ila
ata - aka - asi - ila
ataurre - akatsbako - asi - ilarteko
introduction - perfect - to begin - lifetime
"Perfect introduction to begin a lifetime".

When the British arrived in India they continued this system of naming e.g: India:

in. - .di - ia
ina - adi - ia
inarroskatu - adiskidegarri - iaio
to excite - friendly - cheerful
"Exciting, friendly and cheerful".


Gemara (to expand the mind).ge-ema-ara
ageri - eman - aratz
revelation - to teach - pure
"Pure teachings of the Revelation"

Mishna (instruction)
umiltasun - ixartu - anaitegi
humbleness - to wake up - congregation
"In humbleness waking up the congregation"

Torah (teaching)
otoitzegin - orain - Ahalguzti
to pray to - always - Almighty
"Always pray to the Almighty"
je - eru - usa - ale - em.
je - eru - usa - ale - ema
jentil - errukigabe - usadio - alegia - emankortasun
pagan - cruel - custom - fake - fertility
Cruel pagan custom (to achieve) fake fertility.
(refers to crucifixion, see Ezekiel 8: 14 ).

.be - et. - .h. - .le ' he - em.
abe - eto - oha - ale ' he - emo
abelaska - etorberri - ohartzaile - alegera ' heben - emoi
manger - newborn - councillor/wise man - rejoicing/glorifying ' here - gift
The newborn is in the manger. The wise men are here glorifying with gifts.

ame - en.
ame - en.
ametsetsi - ene
to idealize - exclamation
Exclamation of idealization


Lugal (Sumerian)
.lu - uga - al.
ilu - uga - ali
ilundu - ugazaba - alienatu
to get angry - master - to kill a person
"When the master gets angy he kills"

Badtibira (early city, rival of Uruk?, hardly):

bad ' ti ' bira
badaezbadako ' -ti ' biraobota
rude ' habit ' to curse
"Bad habit of cursing".

Enheduanna, (daughter of Sargon):

en. - .he - edu - u.a - ana
ene - ehe - edu - uha - ana
enegana - ee! - edukitsu - uhalde - anaitu
come to me - Attention! - powerful - flood - to unite/to gather
"Attention! Come to me, a powerful flood is gathering".

Enki (god of pro-creation):

en. - .ki
ene - eki
ene - ekinbide
my - initiative
"My initiative".

Hammurabi (early Babylonian king and law-giver):

ham. ' mu. - ura - abi
hamai ' muga - ura - abiarazi
many - restriction/law - he - to promulgate
"He promulgated many laws".
Sharru (Akkadian)
sha - ar. - .ru
xa - are - eru
xahutu - arerio - errukigabeki
to destroy - enemy - mercilessly
"He destroys the enemy mercilessly.".

Hasshu (Hittite)
ha - as. - .xu
ha - ase - exu
handizki - aserretu - exustez
majesty/aristocrat - to anger - unexpectantly
"(His) majesty angers unexpectedly".

Ereli (Urartaean)
ere - eli
errege - elizatiar
king - pious
"Pious king".

Ivri (Hurrian)
iv. - .ri
ibi - iri
ibili (to be) - irrikan
to be - ambitious
"He is ambitious".


"Tahiti", from tahi-iti, tahiu (appearance) iti (ox): "Resembles an ox" the sharp pointed mountains indeed resemble ox horns. Or: "Rapa Nui" (Easter Island), arra-apa ' nui, erraldoi (giant) aparta (far, far away), nui (enormous, in Hawaiian): "Enormous giants, far, far away". Or: "Hawaii", ha'u-ahi: ha'u (this one) ahigarri (exhausting): This one is exhausting! It still is. Or: "Papua", apapua (living in poverty); stone age people don't own much, they don't pollute and they live as part of nature. One tantalizing hint comes from Peru where the patriarchal Incas established a complex civilization, complete with highly evolved Sumerian-type irrigation. The Incas were living gods and the Basque word for "God" is ainkoa!


Windsor: (The W has no meaning)
in. ino inorenganatu to bequeath
.d. odo odolgarbitasun nobility
.so oso osoro thorough
or. oro orotar united
Bequeath a thoroughly united nobility

Buckingham: .bu-uki-ing.-.ha-am.
.bu abu aburukide agreement
uki uki ukitu to touch, to affect
ing. ingi ingira disposition, formation
.ha iha ihardunak activities
am. ami aministratu government
The agreement affects the formation and activities of the government.
This "agreement" probably refers to the signing of Magna Carta.

.ba eba ebanjelari evangelist
al. ala alai happiness
.mo amo amodiotsu loving
ora ora oraingoan occasion
al. ala alaitsu joyous
The evangelist's happiness made this a loving and joyous occasion.

.ke ike ikertu to investigate, to re-visit
en. ene -enetan each time
.si esi esiketa siege
ing. ingi ingiratu to be disgusted
.to ito itotasun anguish
on. ona onargaitz intolerable
Each time they re-visit that repugnant siege (it causes) intolerable anguish.

In "Love's Labour's Lost" Shakespeare presents us with a Latin sounding riddle: honorificabilitudinitatibus (Act V, i, 39).honorificabilitudinitatibus:
.ho ahogoza delicious
ono onon exquisite
ori orrits banquet
ifi ibili to go
ika ikaskai lesson
abi abiatu to begin
ili ilinti fiery preacher
itu itundu to be advised
udi udikan to get out, to go away
ini initz,ainitz many
ita itaun question
ati atxiki to retain
ibu aburu? opinion
us. usutu often expressed
Going to the delicious and exquisite banquet was the lesson the fiery preacher began with. I was
advised to go away with my many questions and retained my often expressed opinion.
Shakespeare, she-ek.-.spi-ir. (pron: shay-ayk-spee-eer)
she she shedatu to decide
ek. eka ekandu to get used to
.spi azpi azpiko protective cover, pseudonym
ir. ira irakatsi to teach
(ir.) (ira) (irauli?) (to translate)?
I decided to get used to teaching (translating?) under a pseudonym.

The reason why none of the six known signatures of the great man were spelled the same must be because the basic sounds of "she-ek-spi-ir" were more important than the accurate spelling of his English "name."

pyramid: .pi-ira-ami-id.; epika (epic) iragartzapen (to prophesy) amildu destruction) ideiadura (ideology): "The epic prophesied the destruction of our ideology".

zodiak: .zo-odi-ak., -azo (to make) odi (tube, round hole) akabu (perfect): "Make a perfectly round circle"

Benedict's new monastic order was awarded a distinctive habit, which was a loose black gown tied around the waist with a rope, with large wide sleeves and a cowl on the head, similar in design to what had been worn by the Gnostic St. Pachomius and his anchorite brothers of the Sinai monastery some centuries before. Black was chosen to clearly distinguish the Benedictines from the white-robed Gnostic monks. Black clothes had also been adopted many centuries before by the Luwian pre-Hebraic clergy, who wanted to be distinguished from the white-gowned abadeak (priests) of the Ashera religion, who had been given the derogatory title: druids.

.d. - .ru - id.
udi - iru - ido
udikan - iruzurtsu - idolgurtzaile
get out - deceitful - idolator
"Get out, you deceitful idolator."

By the way the word truth in English was later adopted from this word Truid-Truth
The capital of Druidic Ireland was Tara...
The Last Druid, Hibernia - Iberia- tells of this in his lost Chronicles.
Source: Augustinus Hibernicus. (f. 655) "De Mirabilibus Sacrae Scripturae". King of Mysteries: Early Irish Religious Writings edited by John Carey. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2000.

Many years later Charlemagne re-enforced this policy by making it an official order in his Edict #78, dated March 23, 789. It read:

#78. "let no false writings and doubtful narratives, records which entirely contradict the Catholic Faith, ....let not such documents be believed or read, but be destroyed by fire, lest they lead people into error. Only the canonical books and Catholic treatises and the sayings of sacred writers are to be read and delivered" (Duckett p122).
Tomas de Torquemada: .to-oma-as./ .de/,
.to eto etorkizko tribal
oma oma oma grandmother
as./ ase aserregorritu to become furious
.de/ ede ederrak hartu to be defeated
.to ito itotzaile murderer
or. ori ori that
.ke ike ikertu to investigate, prosecute
ema ema ematxar prostitute, witch
ada ada adarra sartu to deceive
The tribal grandmother makes me furious; that murderer must be defeated and the deceiving prostitute prosecuted.

This, of course, referred to the female head of the matrilineally organized tribe, and possibly also the voluntary death of a young man (Tammuz) who had participated in the Sacred Marriage with the Priestess on May 1, and then was sacrificed on October 31 / November 1 (Hallowmass) so others might live. In NW Europe this sacrifice took place annually in the whirlpool of Corrivrecken. The death of Tammuz is still being remembered in our churches on Good Friday, when many Christians in Europe and elsewhere wear black mourning clothes to church (Ezekiel 8:14). The sacrifice is an extremely ancient tradition, the memory of which the church in Rome was unable to extinguish and therefore decided to incorporate into the church's calendar as Hallowe'en, thoroughly ridiculed and distorted.

Even the name "Vatican" proves to be pure Basque when analyzed with the VCV formula:

.ba - ati - ika - an.
aba - ati - ika - ana
abadeburu - atxiki - ikasgiro - anaiarte
head priest - faithful - learning environment - brotherhood
"The faithful head priest's learning environment for the brotherhood."

je - eru - usa - ale - em.
je - eru - usa - ale - ema
jentil - errukigabe - usaio - alegia - emankortasun
Gentile - cruel - custom - fake - fertility
ACruel Gentile custom (to achieve) fake fertility
ar. ara aragikor lustful
.ma ama Ama Goddess
age age ageriko notorious
ed. ede ederrak hartu to be defeated
.do edo edonongo everywhere
on. one onezkero right now
"The lustful and notorious Goddess must be defeated everywhere and right now". (2Kings 23:13-14)

Atlantic, from Atlantis, .ti-iz., atontze (Get ready!) olatualdi (huge wave) aniztu (to increase) utikan (get away from) izugarrikeria (terrible happening): "Get ready! Huge waves are increasing, get away from this terrible happening!"

Cush, .ku-ux., iku-uxu; ikusbide (scenery, countryside) uxu (cry of happiness): "A cry of happiness for the scenery".
amu - un.
amultsu - unibertsalki
affectionate - universally
"Universally affectionate".
This has to be a Goddess.

ate - en.
aterpe - ene
refuge - my
"My refuge".

Ra. There are at least four possible origins for Ra. My guess is that #1 is right.
aRa meaning pure (aratz)
eRa meaning devotion (eraspen)
irRa meaning radiating (irradiatu)
oRa meaning for ever (orain)

Re also has a few possible derivations, the most likely being:
arRe meaning Redeemer (arrerosle)

Osiris, (personification of all that is good)
osi - iri - is.
osintsu - irrikitasun - izate
very deep - desire - life
"Very deep desire for life".

Isis, (the Goddess, introduced immortality of the soul and individual salvation)
.si - is.
izi - izi
izigarri - izigarrikeria
terrible - atrocity
"Terrible atrocity".

Seth, (introduces evil)
.se - et. - .h.
ase - eta - aha
asegaitz - -eta - ahalmen
craving - abundance - power
"He craves an abundance of power".

Nephthys, (introduces evil with Seth).
.ne - eb. - .t. - .hi - is.
ene - ebe - eto - ohi - izu
enetan - eberu - etorri - ohinazestatu - izugarriki
every time - Hebrews - to come - to suffer - horribly
"Every time the Hebrews came we suffered horribly."

Horus, (son of Isis and Osiris)
.ho - oru - us
eho - oru - usa
ehortzi - orube - usa
to bury - site/place - dove/holy man
"He buried the holy man in this place".

Abydos, burial place of the head of Osiris.
abi - ido - os.
abia - idolo - oso
nest/home - idol - simple
"Simple home for the idol".

ake - ena - ate - en.
akela - -ena - aterpe - ene
Goddess - superlative/great - refuge - my
"The Great Goddess, my refuge".

.ne - efe - er. - .ti - iti
ane - ebe - era - ati - iti
añendu - ebertaren - eraberritu - atikitasun - itiki/idiki
to curse - patriarchy - to reform - faithfulness - to discover
"Reform the cursed patriarchy and discover faithfulness".

.tu - uta - an. - .k. - .ha - ate - en.
itu - uta - ana - ake - eha - ate - ene
itxuragabe - utsa - anaiarte - akela - eha - aterpe - ene
senseless - to dispossess - priesthood - Goddess - 'emphasis' - refuge - my
"It is senseless to dispossess the priesthood of the 'Great' Goddess, my refuge."

Basaldua, Florencio Canut de. "Prehistoria E Historia de la Civilizacion Indigena de Amerika I De Su Destruccion por los Barbaros del Este", Buenos Aires, 1925.

Basaldua, Florencio Canut de. "Prehistoria E Historia de la Civilizacion Indigena de Amerika, I De Su Destruccion por los Barbaros del Este", Toulouse, Imprimerie Régionale, 59 rue Bayard, 1931.

I have no doubt that the Basque language is a direct descendant of this original Saharan language and that this language has not changed very much for several millennia, probably because of the extremely careful oral transmission traditions used in their educational system, passing the language on from generation to generation without changes...

Further Links:

Aulestia, Gorka. "Basque - English Dictionary". Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1989.

Wagner, Heinrich. "Common problems concerning the early languages of the British Isles and the Iberian Peninsula", Universidad de Salamanca, 1976.

Wagner, Heinrich. "Near Eastern and African Connections with the Celtic World". Chapter in "The Celtic Consciousness", edited by Robert O'Driscoll. Publ. George Braziller, New York, 1982.

Article by Cavalli sforza on basque peoples RH-
Article by Edo Nylan on Virginia petroglyphs

Nyland has examined the Peterborough petroglyphs and especially what Barry Fell considered Ogam, but he failed to see Ogam writing in it. Nyland noted that Fell took some isolated characters that look like Ogam, then assigned English letters to it, but none are connected into a sentence. If one looks at the Ogam inscriptions that Nyland works with, you see that they form a series of connected characters, a lineup of them, but that's not what Fell found.. Furthermore, Fell was using Gaelic to translate but Gaelic did not exist until about 700 AD. The early Gnostics used Basque exclusively. Nyland wishes that he could be more positive about Fell's work. As far as he can see his true strength is in transliteration, not translation.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Orwellian Utopia

1984 is a political novel written by George Orwell in opposition to totalitarianism.The book depicts a dystopia in which an omnipresent state wields total control.

1984 is among the most famous and most cited works of dystopian fiction in literature. Translations of the book are available in 15 languages and the novel itself has left a profound impression upon the English language: Nineteen Eighty-Four and its terminology have become bywords in discussions concerning privacy issues. The term "Orwellian" has come to describe actions or organizations reminiscent of the totalitarian society depicted in the novel.

The novel focuses on Winston Smith, who stands, seemingly alone, against the corrupted reality of his world: hence the work's original working name of The Last Man in Europe. Although the storyline is unified, it could be described as having three parts (it has been published in three parts by some publishers). The first part deals with the world of Nineteen Eighty-Four as seen through the eyes of Winston; the second part deals with Winston's forbidden sexual relationship with Julia and his eagerness to rebel against the Party; and the third part deals with Winston's capture and torture by the Party.

The world described in Nineteen Eighty-Four contains striking parallels with the Stalinist Soviet Union and Hitler's Nazi Germany. There are thematic similarities: the betrayed-revolution, with which Orwell famously dealt with in Animal Farm; the subordination of individuals to "the Party"; and the rigorous distinction between inner party, outer party and everyone else. There are also direct parallels of the activities within the society: leader worship, such as that towards Big Brother, who can be compared to dictators like Stalin and Hitler; Joycamps, which are a reference to concentration camps or gulags; Thought Police, a reference to the Gestapo or NKVD; daily exercise reminiscent of Nazi propaganda movies; and the Youth League, reminiscent of Hitler Youth or Octobrists/Pioneers.

There is also an extensive and institutional use of propaganda; again, this was found in the totalitarian regimes of Hitler and Stalin. Orwell may have drawn inspiration from the Nazis; compare the following quotes to how propaganda is used in "Nineteen Eighty-Four":

  • “The broad mass of the nation ... will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.” — Adolf Hitler, in his 1925 book Mein Kampf.
  • “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” — Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels.
Nineteen Eighty-Four
  • “Remember our boys on the Malabar front! And the sailors in the Floating Fortresses! Just think what they have to put up with.”
  • “The rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably fired by the government of Oceania itself, 'just to keep the people frightened'.”
  • “The key-word here is blackwhite. Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts.”
  • “To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed.”

Summary of plot

Winston, a member of the Outer Party, lives in the ruins of London, the chief city of Airstrip One — a front-line province of the totalitarian superstate Oceania. He grew up in post-Second World War Britain, during the revolution and civil war. When his parents died during the civil war, he was picked up by the growing Ingsoc (newspeak for "English Socialism") movement and given a job in the Outer Party.

Winston lives a squalid existence in a filthy one-room apartment in "Victory Mansions", and eats hard bread, synthetic meals served at his workplace, and industrial-grade "Victory Gin." He is unhappy and keeps a secret diary of his illegal thoughts about the Party. The Ministry of Truth, which exercises complete control over all media in Oceania, employs Winston at the Ministry's Records Department, where he doctors historical records in order to comply with the Party's version of the past. Since the events of the present constantly shape the perception of the past, the task is a never-ending one.

While Winston likes his work, especially the intellectual challenge involved in fabricating a complete historical anecdote from scratch, he is also fascinated by the real past, and eagerly tries to find out more about the forbidden truth. At the Ministry of Truth, he encounters Julia, a mechanic on the novel-writing machines, and the two begin an illegal relationship, regularly meeting up in the countryside (away from surveillance) or in a room above an antique shop in the Proles' area of the city.

As the relationship progresses, Winston's views begin to change, and he finds himself relentlessly questioning Ingsoc. Unknown to the two (or to the reader), he and Julia are under surveillance by the Thought Police. When he is approached by Inner Party member O'Brien, Winston believes that he has made contact with the Resistance. O'Brien gives Winston a copy of "the book", a searing criticism of Ingsoc that Smith believes the dissident Emmanuel Goldstein wrote.

Winston and Julia are apprehended by the Thought Police and interrogated separately in the Ministry of Love, where opponents of the regime are tortured and executed. O'Brien reveals to Winston that he has been brought to "be cured" of his hatred for the Party, and subjects Winston to numerous torture sessions. During one of these sessions, he explains to Winston the nature of the endless world war, and that the purpose of the torture is not to extract a fake confession, but to change the way Winston thinks.

This is achieved through a combination of torture and electroshock therapy, until O'Brien decides that Winston is "cured". However, Winston unconsciously utters Julia's name in his sleep, proving that he has not been completely brainwashed. Room 101 is the most feared room in the Ministry of Love, where a person's greatest fear is forced upon them as the final step in their "re-education." Since Winston is afraid of rats, a cage of hungry rats is placed over his eyes, so that when the door is opened, they will eat their way through his skull.

In terror, he screams, "Do it to Julia!" to stop the torture. At the end of the novel, Winston and Julia meet, but their feelings for each other have been destroyed. Winston has become an alcoholic and he knows that eventually he will be killed. The one thing Winston had held on to was his hate of Big Brother, which he felt would be his victory over the party's otherwise absolute power. However, by the end of the novel, we see that the torture and 'reprogramming' have been successful, because Winston realizes that 'He loved Big Brother'.

At the end of the novel there is an appendix on Newspeak (the artificial language invented and, by degrees, imposed by the Party to limit the capacity to express or even think "unorthodox" thoughts), in the style of an academic essay.

CC Mission Statement

As we approach a New Age of Human and Space discoveries of Galactic proportions, We still ponder to answer some of the most basic Questions,

Who Are We? Where Do We Come From? Why Are We Here?

This Blog is been devised precisely with the purpose of answering at least one of those Questions above.

Feel free to leave your comments or interesting opinions to enlighten us and others!

"Study the past if you would define the future."
Confucius-Chinese philosopher & reformer (551 BC - 479 BC)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Basque Missing Link?

Where's The Missing Link? Are The Basque The Missing Link?

Dr. Cavalli Sforza from Stanford University wrote an article entitled: "Genes, Peoples and Languages" (Scientific American., Nov.'91). He pointed out the high concentration of individuals with Rh-negative blood among the peoples of Morocco, the Basque Country, Ireland and Scotland; all four countries with people having at least 25% of their members with that blood peculiarity. The only people among these four populations still to speak their neolithic language were the Basques. Dr. Cavalli Sforza commented that this distribution represented an ocean born migration and the Basques were the epitome of the sea farers.

Dr. WW Strong Mechanicsburg stones Pennsylvania's Susquehanna Valley 600 BC OF BASQUE ORIGIN pic above

"... Elohim created man in his own image ..." (Genesis 1:27)

Could it be that the peoples along the Atlantic coast of Europe had belonged to the same migration and that all these had spoken the same neolithic language we now call Basque (Euskera)?

The Celts Real Forefathers

The ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria were highly advanced, yet all that remains are but hints of their former greatness. We know natural catastrophes devastated these civilizations and scattered their survivors all across the globe. Over time, they were assimilated by other cultures along with the memories of their own wisdom and folklore.

Davenport steel in Iowa (USA) -left pic- proves Celt Iberians were already living in America
There's vast archealogical evidence That what we know for Celts were spread all acros the world From America To Europe and North Africa way before Egyptians way before meso Americans and Way before Indo europeans.

The tribes of The Celts could have been as follows,

Elamite (Mesopotamia), Canaanite (Canaan), Minoan (Crete), Hatti (Anatolia), Ligurian (Old Etruscans) (Italy), Pictish (Scotland), Cruithin (Ireland), Cythian (Black Sea), Euskera(Basque)(Pyrenees), Ainu (Japan), Dravidian (India), Olmec (Central America), Polynesian (Oceania)

Cromlech de Almendres , Portugal (left) Luxor and Karnak , Egypt (right) all with same astronomic configurations of the Celtic peoples. How Come in 2 so different and faraway locations from one another?

Benedict's new monastic order was awarded a distinctive habit, which was a loose black gown tied around the waist with a rope, with large wide sleeves and a cowl on the head, similar in design to what had been worn by the Gnostic St. Pachomius and his anchorite brothers of the Sinai monastery some centuries before. Black was chosen to clearly distinguish the Benedictines from the white-robed Gnostic monks. Black clothes had also been adopted many centuries before by the Luwian pre-Hebraic clergy, who wanted to be distinguished from the white-gowned abadeak (priests) of the Ashera religion, who had been given the derogatory title: druids.

.d. - .ru - id.
udi - iru - ido
udikan - iruzurtsu - idolgurtzaile
get out - deceitful - idolator
"Get out, you deceitful idolator."

By the way the word truth in English was later adopted from this word Truid-Truth
The capital of Druidic Ireland was Royal Tara, Spain/France Tartessus/Africa Tora-Tiara and so on... (Romans called it Ultramundi or Underworld)
The Last Druid or Magi, Hibernicus- Iberius- tells of this in his lost Chronicles.
Source: Augustinus Hibernicus. (f. 655) "De Mirabilibus Sacrae Scripturae". King of Mysteries: Early Irish Religious Writings edited by John Carey. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2000.

Were The Celts then here way before anyone else? And Are The Celts the Real Atlanteans?

Terry Jones's Barbarians

Powerful Pharaohs

Powerful Pharaohs : Language And Religion

Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs are divided into three large parts, known as the Old, Middle and
New Kingdoms. Smaller parts are known as periods. The Pharaohs are ordered into 31 dynasties, or groups.

But What do we know about their power Cults Religion etc?

It is said That The Pharaos unimaginable power was unparalleled in ancient times...
... They could move millions of peoples into the desert or kill millions at their command...

...Ramesses II was a powerful king ever to rule Egypt, well known for his profusion of wives - Egyptian beauties, foreign princesses, and even his own daughters - who gave him children numbered in three figures. But among the royal wives, the only title which mattered was that of Great Royal Wife. Only four women held this title, two of them being blood relatives of the king.

Nevertheless, one of Them Akhenaton (meaning Ake-Eye-n (of) Aton-Sun or Light) was so powerful that he built his own city after being thrown away from Egypt-Amarna. He was a despotic ruler that worshipped himself and his partner Nefertari introduced the unnatural monotheistic Solar Disc Cult aka 'Aton' or Adonis (Greek) Diei (Latin) Religion.

Could Have been the First time that somebody invented a Religion?

For such Hubris Akhenaton was ejected from Egypt.

Indo-Europeanists will tell you that Basque is a language isolate. Dravidian linguists have proven that the Dravidian languages are closely related to Basque. Ainu (spoken in Japan) Canaanite( Old Form of Hebrew) Cruithin (Old Irish) also belongs to this ancient family...

s He the so called ' Mozes of The Bible'?

Could everyone in Europe have spoken Basque, including the early Irish Gnostic Christian missionaries?

And Could The Sphinx And THe Stonehenge Megalithic Alignments as old as 15,000 years?

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'Archaeology is the search for fact... not truth. If it's truth you're looking for, Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is right down the hall and "X" never, ever marks the spot.'
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